The #1 Startup Incubator at the University of Mannheim

Within 2 weeks, we will catapult your start-up to the next level with the help of intensive workshops, customised 1-to-1 mentoring and a first-class network.
Mafinex Mannheim
27.03 - 07.04.2025
40  Participants
Apply now

Who is the thincubator for?

Each track focuses on specific aspects and offers workshops tailored to you as well as individual mentoring.
Prepare yourself to realize your ideas and build a successful start-up.

You are still in the early stages of your start-up and your idea is not yet fully developed.
You have an idea, but you need support to turn it into reality.
You're brimming with motivation even though you may not have a clear idea or clue.
Are you full of energy and drive to achieve great things?
Next steps: Idea generation/concretization. Validation of your idea, business planning and so on.
You are no longer at the beginning of your start-up journey.
You are working alone or already have a team
You already have a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) or even a finished product and are ready to take off.
You need support to concretize the next steps, coaching to get funding and access to a first-class network.

Let's work together and create great things.
Sign up now and be part of this exciting journey!


Workshops & Sparring

Within these 2 weeks, leading venture capitalists, experienced founders and external experts will share their insights on the most relevant topics for you.

These include key topics such as MVP development, fundraising, sales and marketing. This includes the chance to hone your pitching skills in front of VCs as well as negotiation training with renowned banks.

Full Focus on Your Startup

A place to focus entirely on your start-up. The thincubator takes place in the inspiring premises of the MAFINEX Technology Center in Mannheim. Here you can fully focus on the planning and development of your start-up.

Networking with Experts, VCs & other Founders

At the end of the day, it's all about networking. Take the opportunity to network with successful founders, venture capitalists and other start-ups at similar stages of development.

Create relationships that will last beyond the thincubator and help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

these workshops were held in 2024:


Introduction to KPMG Ventures, consideration of the life cycle of a company, insights into the choice of legal form to exit, topics such as insolvency, forms of financing, bureaucracy and taxation were dealt with in detail + practical tips

Earlystage investments

Focus on earlystage investments from the perspective of founders and investors, VCs’ expectations of the founding teams, investment processes & fundraising checklist


In-depth insights into financing options for start-ups through VR Bank, 1o1 meetings for individual feedback and advice


Social Impact VC Fond Presentation, Case Study with focus on measuring impact generated by clients, Social Impact Analyse as a TOP KPI for the success of the fund

success stories of our participants

great minds, behind great things

Daniel Kettemann -

Inspiration and exchange
"The Thincubator really gave our startup idea a shape and gave us as a founding team a lot of motivation! It was super inspiring to be able to exchange ideas with already successful founders and it definitely helped us personally. We can only recommend the Thincubator to all potential founders."

Paul Burkhardt -
AMF - Biotechnologies

Foundation accelerator
"The Thincubator helped us to see our idea from a different perspective and to deal with the topic even more intensively. Above all, working in an environment with so many start-up enthusiasts was extremely helpful and a lot of fun."

Lisa Michelle Schniebs -

"As a newly assembled team without a concrete idea at the start of the thincubator, we couldn't help but be carried away by the spirit of the highly motivated participants and mentors with start-up experience and finally make a concrete start towards founding a company. In the end, we were able to get our first business concept up and running by pitch day."


These are some of the many Mentors that have already recognized the value a partnership with thinc! offers.
Starting out as a YouTube channel with explanatory videos, Finanzfluss has developed into the largest community for financial self-decision-makers in the German-speaking world within just a few years.
Arno Krieger
Fenou is a Berlin-based start-up by women for women that develops natural solutions for hormonal acne, mood swings and menstrual cramps.
Nina Schmidt
Stocard is a mobile wallet that allows its users to digitise their loyalty cards and browse the latest offers from local retailers. With over 20 million users, Stocard is the leading mobile wallet in Europe.
David Handlos

values that keep us united in vision

Who is  behind the thincubator?

The thincubator is part of thinc!, the largest initiative on the topics of start-ups, entrepreneurship at the University of Mannheim.

Once a year, we organize the thincubator as a 2-week incubator program with workshops and much more.

What the thincubator is proud of


With thincubator, we bring together the leading VCs, startups & experts once a year to support you.

Successful partnerships with various companies & the platform we can offer them to get in touch with young founding teams.

Giving students, but also professionals, the chance and opportunity to work on innovative ideas and get the support & input they need.

Encouraging students to participate in inspiring projects, getting in direct contact with early stage start ups & the resulting network.


Since the first thincubator in 2021, we have supported 24 startups with 63 founders and are working on growing the thincubator year after year - just like our own startup.

still questions left?

frequently asked questions

Do I need an idea to take part in the thincubator?

No, you don't need an idea, but it is of course an advantage as you can use the 2 weeks completely to implement your idea.

Does the thincubator cost me anything?

The thincubator costs you nothing.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

You can contact thincubator on Instagram or send an email to thincubator@thinc.de.

Does the tincubator offer Couch Surfing?

Yes, indeed. We offer a for a specific number of participants sleeping options.


You can benefit from a collaboration with us through various advantages indifferent areas

Hiring possibilities
Access to 100 CVs
Platform to share thoughts with Germany‘s best students
Get to know the next generation
Employer branding
Access to our network

our packages

To cooperate with us we offer three different packages to get engaged within the thincubator / to become our workshop partner / to become part of our next journey

2-Hour Workshop
Access to 100 CVs
Post on LinkedIn, Instagram
LinkedIn on our Website
2-Hour Workshop
Access to 100 CVs
Post on LinkedIn, Instagram
Linked on our Website
Shoutout & Banner at Pitchday
Jobwall Post
2-Hour Workshop
Access to 100 CVs
Posts on LinkedIn, Instagram
Shoutout & Banner at Pitchday
Seat in the Jury at Pitchday
Jobwall post

get in touch

Stay up to date on our social media accounts where we inform you about upcoming events which we will be reporting about on here.